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- <?
- // The ugly bit of code below loads the TCLink extension if it is not
- // already. You can skip all of this if "extension=tclink.so" is in
- // your php.ini, or you can make a single call to dl("tclink") if
- // tclink.so is in your PHP extensions path ("extension_dir").
- if (!extension_loaded("tclink"))
- {
- $extfname = getcwd() . "/modules/tclink.so";
- echo "TCLink extension not loaded, attempting to load manually from $extfname...";
- // The excessive "../" bit allows us to back up out of the extension dir
- // so that we can access the current working directory. It is only done
- // this way so that tctest.php may work out of the box on any system, you
- // can get rid of this if you do a global install of TCLink.
- $extfname = "../../../../../../../../../../../.." . $extfname;
- if (!dl($extfname)) {
- echo "FAILED!\nAborting this test script, please check to make sure the module is properly built.\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- echo "success.\n";
- }
- print "\nTCLink version " . tclink_getversion() . "\n";
- print "Sending transaction...";
- // Build a hash containing our parameters
- $params['custid'] = 'TestMerchant';
- $params['password'] = 'password';
- $params['action'] = 'sale';
- $params['media'] = 'cc';
- $params['cc'] = '4111111111111111';
- $params['exp'] = '0110';
- $params['amount'] = '100';
- $params['name'] = 'Joe PHP';
- // Send the hash to TrustCommerce for processing
- $result = tclink_send($params);
- print "done!\n\nTransaction results:\n";
- // Print out all parameters returned
- while (list($key, $val) = each($result))
- print "\t$key=$val\n";
- ?>